Digital transformation is bringing more than a shift of resources to the cloud; it’s also helping to enable more effective assignment of tasks and roles around the organization. IT professionals no longer need to find themselves tasked with the management of processes that could be better accomplished by others.

This is true especially when it comes to workflow creation and management. In this area, organizational frustrations are reaching a tipping point, with 67 percent of workers reporting that their company’s broken processes are preventing them from maximizing their potential, and a more startling 86 percent of those looking for new jobs saying their company’s broken processes have factored into their decision to leave. Now is the time to reverse this tide and give the right employees power over their own workflows.

Read the new e-book from Nintex and Microsoft, Own the Workflows, Not the Work: How Intelligent Workflows Keep IT and Lines of Business on Track, to find out how IT can easily empower teams around the organization to create and manage their workflows with low-code or no-code drag and drop interfaces. In the e-book, you’ll see the specific activities that waste the most IT time, and learn how to empower the right resources around the company to handle them, without giving up control or visibility.