For years, data professionals sounded like the Starks on Game of Thrones, solemnly intoning that “The GDPR is coming.” And now, like winter in Westeros, the GDPR is here.

As we approach the one-year mark from the GDPR’s effective date, our latest guide, Checking in on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), reviews where we are now. It considers how enforcement has played out so far — and what that means — and summarizes the profusion of recent data privacy laws in the U.S. And since most companies are still falling short of GDPR compliance, it wraps up with recommended compliance tips to assist those organizations that aren’t confident they’re meeting all of their data privacy requirements.

Over the last year, it’s become clear that data privacy, like the threat of white walkers, isn’t going away anytime soon. Now is the time to figure out how your organization is going to deal with the GDPR and the data privacy regulations that are following in its footsteps.

Download your copy of the guide today.