A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Rocket and Assembling Your Crew

No two companies operate in exactly the same way or have the same data posture, usage, or processes. That’s why, in the age of digital transformation, no two journeys to data estate modernization start at the same place or follow the same course. The new e-book from Ensono, The Building Blocks of Cloud Migration, offers a modular vision that can take any organization to its best—and unique—cloud migration.

To lay the groundwork, the e-book shares a study of 450 heads of digital transformation on the most common barriers to cloud migration and the threats of falling behind. To overcome each of these barriers, Ensono has developed discreet building blocks—a modular approach to cloud migration that they recommends to their clients. With the six modules, any business can devise and execute its own unique and best practice-based cloud migration and operation plan. The result is a strategy that enables optimal progress and it begins exactly where your organization stands today. The plan outlines your actual migration process in an efficient and cost-effective approach. And finally, the e-book describes how to continue to enhanceyour data estate modernization for business success, no matter what new technologies the future may hold.