With technology ever-changing and constantly improving, Cadent gas needed to keep up with the pace of innovation. Their strategy was to create a Cloud Centric foundation that allowed them to be agile and fast-moving so that they could respond to the changing demands of the business. Additionally, Cadent’s strategy was also involved in looking at the areas where it equalled competitors in the marketplace such as its back-office operations, HR, finance, procurement, and its ERP system, and standardising the back office to maximise efficiency and value.

Read the Cloud feature from Gigabit Magazine (April 2018) which talks about why Cadent Gas chose HCL to support their digitization strategy and cloud journey on AWS.  

About HCLs Cloud Native Services-

HCL Cloud Native is the state of an Enterprise which enables you to view every initiative you take, every business plan you implement, every new market you enter, every product or service you launch and every technology investment that you make – through the lens of the Cloud.   

HCL Cloud Native services help enterprises:

  1. Assess their current needs and environment and understand those areas where Cloud can add significant value
  2. Create a practical and implementable roadmap to migrate Applications & Infrastructure to the cloud
  3. Implement the roadmap, manage & operate it with Automation at the core.