Receive a free copy of this Harvard Business Review article

Companies like Uber have created a culture of experimentation and in this new article from Harvard Business Review, you’ll discover the one simple and often overlooked way for larger companies to experiment. To understand the value, read this article and discover how Uber rolled out its Express Pool service in 2018, as well as how Airbnb tested the impact of new landing page design on search-engine ranking and traffic.

While more organizations are adopting experimentation, it’s often uneven across and within organizations, and many companies struggle with starting or expanding experimentation. Companies miss important opportunities for experimentation or experiments suffer from implementation and interpretation challenges.

Get your free copy of this HBR article, courtesy of Optimizely, for helpful uses cases and guidelines for testing new products experimentally.

You’ll also discover how to:

  1. Decide the metrics that matter most
  2. Choose a subset of markets to launch a product
  3. Track your products in the broader business context
  4. Understand the why behind the data