The Dangerous Security Vulnerability on Your Website that Most Companies are Ignoring

Sensitive data that once existed only in the physical realm now lives in the electronic ether and is transmitted via your website every day. 

Behavioral tracking tools, social media widgets, and campaign measurement applications are all integrated with your website, and through third-party tags, beacons, and pixels, you’ve given these vendors the ability to gather data. The problem is, by way of piggyback tags, they’ve given their partners access to your data too.

If it sounds complicated, that’s because it is. But it’s worth understanding the potential risks and liabilities for your company. In this eBook, you’ll learn:

  • How to find out which companies have access to your web user data
  • How to reduce the myriad of potential threat vectors by monitoring the third-parties with access to your website user data
  • Examples of companies who have faced security breaches from third-party relationships