Breakthroughs in the treatment of human disease, new medicines, and preventive care are happening every day with the application of genomic data, with larger and more complex data becoming critical for driving innovation. Researchers need solutions that can handle the monumental scale and scope of data while enabling open collaboration – with confidence in security and compliance. This stands in stark contrast to the limitations of many siloed, on-premise, DIY solutions that are currently being leveraged in genomic research. 

The new e-book, Harnessing Genomic Data to Accelerate Precision Medicine, describes the current state of data-driven genomic research and then provides recommendations on how to leverage new cloud-based capabilities to provide the scale, scope, and security needed to accelerate scientific discoveries for personalized medicine. 

The e-book also illustrates how DNAnexus and Microsoft Azure provide an ideal cloud-based genomic analysis solution for many leading research organizations.