The new data-first approach to improve data security and privacy

Right now, every employee has unfettered access to an average of 17 million files. That’s a treasure trove of unprotected data waiting for bad actors, or accidental breach to expose. Even with that, most organizations are still focused on trying to secure all the devices out there. Providing reliable security for a threat surface that large and ever-changing is an impossible task. It’s time to rethink end-point security to address your most valuable asset: your data.

Read the new e-book, Cybersecurity from the inside out, to get a new approach that focuses on protecting data. You’ll see new ideas to reduce risk exposure by 65% while saving an average of 4.5 hours per server folder on permissions management and remediation. Using the breakthrough thinking in this quick read, leading edge companies have overcome barriers to more effective data-first security and shortened incident response times by up to 90%. Not only have they focused their security where it matters; they’ve also improved and automated security workflows to free up IT resources. Find out how they did it, and how you can, too.