In the age of mobile technology, banks in the United States are struggling to keep up with more innovative, agile, and faster organizations born into the cloud-based environment. Zelle, PayPal, and other person-to-person payment and RTP services are eroding customer loyalty and taking market share. Traditional financial institutions are simply not equipped to compete at the speed of these startups. But there is something they can do. Finastra has developed a successful new approach to retain the 41% of consumers who will switch banks to get a better digital experience.

Read the new e-book, Open up the financial cloud, to see how you can stay ahead of the disrupted financial services market and establish a durable and agile transformative ecosystem that keeps you ready for the future. You’ll see both the challenges and the keys to overcome inertia, traditional closed systems, and compliance issues, as well as a roadmap to leapfrog ahead of today’s changes and be ready for the future.