With all the new sources of data available out there, many organizations tend to reach for the most exotic first—thinking third-party data is their best first option. But that can be more expensive and less effective than using the right tools to mine your own first-party data.

Read the new e-book from Microsoft and CCG, The Data Treasure in Your Own Backyard, to get a roadmap for making the most of first-party data for customer-driven success across your organization.

In an insight-packed few pages, you’ll see how the customer data you are harvesting drives better decisions in everything from merchandising to financial forecasting to product and service development.

The e-book takes you through the three phases that make up a solid framework to create a customer-driven business:

  1. Strategy – Design a plan that gets the right people engaged at the right times.
  2. Speed – Quickly leverage and implement the solution that pragmatically realizes the intelligence you uncovered.
  3. Scale –  Modernize your platform for the scalable, agile operation in the cloud every business requires in the digital age.

The Customer Intelligence for Retail approach defined in The Data Treasure produced a 150% ROI after a roll-out that takes about a quarter of the time you’d expect. Find out how it can work for your company.