In most cases, it can take an inordinate amount of time to close the books and report information to key stakeholders in a timely and accurate manner – anywhere from one day to four weeks, and in a few cases even longer. In this Whitepaper, Tom Kelly will share some of the experiences he and his teams have accomplished at companies during his career. Situations where there were several entities, locations, and stakeholders that not only included employees, but investors, auditors, tax accountants, banks, vendors, landlords and customers.

Closing the books is a resource intensive task requiring business acumen and a concerted effort not only by the finance team, but across all functional segments in the company. If you are at a company that has disparate systems, on different platforms, with middleware and integrations, think carefully about efficiently, accurately and cost effectively closing the books. Yes, you can redesign your processes, remove inefficient activities, etc., but without a modern day financial management system, you may not meet with success.

This Whitepaper will help you to:

  • Accelerate the close process
  • Reduce the time it takes to report information to key stakeholders
  • Learn how a modern day financial management system can help automate inefficient activities