Marketing data comes at you from all directions, in hundreds of formats, from thousands of channels, and millions of devices. Managing all of it can cause a head-spinning proliferation of solutions. So many that CMOs now spend between 25-30% of their budgets on disconnected marketing technologies. This siloed data comes from everything from expensive custom solutions to Google Search Console, LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and many more. With all that confusion, how do you ingest all the diverse data and use it to optimize marketing activities for maximum brand impact?

Read the new e-book from Neal Analytics, Unleashing the power of your customer data, to get clear answers. In it, you’ll see a playbook for the customer-centric experience with a clear, three-step process that allows your marketing teams to:

  • Harmonize and unify customer data without the need for custom infrastructures, which are expensive to build and maintain, using standard Microsoft technologies and prebuilt APIs.
  • Build and deploy on your own infrastructure, providing unrestricted data access and ownership.
  • Empower the marketing and other teams to own questions, insights, answers, and solutions.
  • Accelerate time-to-value by providing solution accelerators and prebuilt machine learning and AI models.