Technology—once taking a backseat to business—is now ubiquitous across all aspects of every organization. And cloud-based solutions like Microsoft Office 365 are leading the way. The capabilities of this robust technology are enormous, from productivity and security to leadership cultivation and collaboration.

But that doesn’t mean companies are making the most of it. Even for high-penetration Office 365 apps like OneDrive for Business, the usage rate within organizations is just 18.6%. And the app with the next-highest adoption, Exchange Online, has a usage rate of only 7.9%. This means there’s a huge untapped potential—and unrealized economic value—in unused offerings.

The new e-book, Technology Is Great. Humans Make It Better, shares key insights on how to make the most of your business IT environment—and why it matters. From leveraging your tech’s full capabilities to the benefits of full transparency, see how technology partners like ProTech can help you maximize your technology investment—and why a human-centric approach is key to truly leveraging your office technology.