When it comes to scheduling team members, you have a lot of choices. There are paper, sticky notes, emails and spreadsheets. But as managing labor gets more complex, and as employees turn more and more to their phones for real-time scheduling updates, those old-school scheduling methods just aren’t getting the job done.

This puts most restaurant operators in one of two categories: Either they’ve already adopted online scheduling software to manage their workforce, or they know they need to make the switch from manual methods to an automated online scheduling tool.

The purpose of this eBook is to show you how easy it is to use employee scheduling software and how much time it can save everyone in your organization—from the managers making schedules, to team members trying to get their shifts covered, to the operators and owners looking to meet budgets and increase profits.

But before we get down into the details, let’s cover the reasons why manual based scheduling methods make managing a restaurant less effective and costly.