Claim your copy! The E-Discovery Case Law Summaries, Fall 2017 volume from Zapproved offers insights from recent and interesting court decisions related to e-discovery. See how proportionality, cooperation and FRCP Rule 1 are being applied to quickly and accurately resolve issues during litigation.

These cases highlight the benefit of using defensible in-house preservation practices to produce favorable outcomes with the court. You’ll find examples of self-collection applied both defensibly and poorly, and note a few cases in which proportionality breakdowns turned costly.

Don’t miss the latest case law insights. This free volume includes 11 full summaries of recent 2017 e-discovery-related cases, plus quick abstracts of case law from the last 10 years. Dig in to glean how the courts are bringing issues of proportionality, cooperation and preservation to the forefront:

  • Mirmina v. Genpact LLC
  • Eshelman v. Puma Biotech., Inc.
  • Bailey v. Brookdale Univ. Hosp. Med. Ctr.
  • U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n v. Gregory L. Gramalegui
  • People v. Miller
  • In re State Farm Lloyds
  • CrossFit, Inc. v. Nat’l Strength and Conditioning Ass’n.
  • Meredith v. United Collection Bureau, Inc.
  • First Am. Bankcard, Inc. v. Smart Bus. Tech., Inc.
  • Hawa v. Coatesville Area Sch. Dist.
  • Estate of Shaw v. Marcus

Review these summaries now to know where to focus your own e-discovery practices and boost compliance for the remainder of 2017 and beyond.