Moving from engagement to conversion.

We all know that customer engagement can positively contribute to your customer’s overall journey with your brand. But what is more important is the kind of engagement – the kind of engagement that is going to ultimately lead to a sale.

Configure-price-quote (CPQ) technology is an essential tool that can help take your customer from engagement to conversion. CPQ offers a streamlined approach to selling and production of configured products by putting the customer in the driver’s seat.

Read this Industry Perspectives and find out key ways that CPQ technology improves sales performance such as:

  • Accelerating key processes such as quoting, order entry, and price book/catalog generation
  • Increasing sales by making every sales person, customer service rep, dealer, and distributor a product expert
  • Eliminating errors in product specification and pricing
  • Simplifying production and improving quality by providing accurate configuration-specific information to manufacturing
  • Increase your success rate and boost customer loyalty. Complete the form on the right to access the Industry Perspectives.

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