Security Leadership Study – Trends in Application Security

June 13, 2019

Application security testing methods like pentesting have become best practice for vulnerability assessment… read more..
Security Platform for Healthcare Providers

April 4, 2018

Hundreds of hospitals, clinics and healthcare networks across the globe prevent successful cyberattacks… read more..
Security Starts Here: AD Account Lifecycle Management

March 4, 2020

Managing Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD accounts, objects and groups is a… read more..
Security Starts Here: Privileged Access Management

March 4, 2020

There’s a massive – and often overlooked – risk that lurks in the… read more..
Security vs. convenience in the payment experience: What matters most to online shoppers?

August 16, 2019

We surveyed 4,000 customers across the UK, France, Germany and Spain about their… read more..
See more possibilities. Seize more opportunities.

June 12, 2019

Everyone at your enterprise could benefit from smarter analytics. And smarter analytics start… read more..
See why more and more businesses are reporting success with the cloud

October 20, 2017

Nearly 80 per cent of IT pros surveyed said that they could save… read more..
Seize New Opportunities for Growth. Optimize Your B2B Ecommerce Business.

March 18, 2019

With a well-planned ecommerce strategy, B2B sellers can tap into a huge audience… read more..