Contact Centers: The Moment of Truth for Your Brand – Whitepaper

November 12, 2018

Ever consider how customer service impacts someone’s decision to buy – or not… read more..
Container Storage for Dummies

December 26, 2019

Although many organizations still use traditional storage appliances, they don’t offer the agility… read more..
Content Grows Up: The Active Content Governance Playbook

February 12, 2019

To improve customer experiences, big companies spend millions developing, translating, distributing, and promoting… read more..
Continuous Delivery Pipelines: Metrics, Myths, and Milestones

March 1, 2018

Join Gary Gruver as he discusses metrics and trending data needed to drive… read more..
Continuous Planning Selection Guide

March 20, 2020

Just as cloud-based software has advanced other areas of the business, Continuous Planning… read more..
Continuous Testing: The Final Frontier of Continuous Testing

August 22, 2018

In order to achieve true continuous delivery, organizations must rethink the way they… read more..
Contract-Centric Sourcing: A New Paradigm

October 26, 2018

Today’s sourcing organizations are being asked to move faster than ever to source… read more..
Control Your Cloud: The Pitfalls of Shared Cloud Strategies

May 9, 2018

The conversation around the cloud has been booming of late, with the topic… read more..