What is hidden within the infinite data collected in daily operations of mines? The answer is possible efficiency improvements, increased safety, and potential cost savings.

Team Communications by Motorola Solutions helps companies streamline their voice communications and unlock mounds of data with the Industrial Internet of Things. The access to predicting a machine breakdown, the possible difference between a successful year or falling behind competitors – the ability to allow data to become a critical part of your day-to-day conversations. Team Communications creates a seamless communication bridge between all devices, all networks and all people. Allowing for the right information to reach the right person at the right time.

Download the Complimentary Survey Report and learn the untapped power of Team Communications in mines today. You’ll learn:

  • The latest trends in mining voice communications and ways to connect all devices with Unified Team Communications
  • Which IIoT capabilities mining workers believe are most critical to their daily operations
  • How mine workers are overlooking IIoT enhanced operations in their everyday tasks