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A study conducted by the authors of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning and their colleague illustrates an unfortunate but typical learning experience: out of six hundred managers at a major chemical company, only 15% of people interviewed were able to give an example of an action they had taken the on-the-job over the course of a year as a result of what they learned. The learning had taken place, but participants were not doing anything with it.

While the reasons are multiple and varied, the goal for all successful training initiatives is the same: results. However, delivering popular programs is not enough—leadership development and training is not successful unless it makes a positive, sustained impact on business.

Included in this whitepaper:

  • The three pillars that are key for organizations to see greater results and realize more measurable return on their training dollars
  • A thorough break-down of each pillar and strategies for enacting them
  • How to implement the three phases of a deployment strategy

You will learn how to implement the three key pillars and ensure the success of your learning initiatives.