Did you know that one of the highest, most controllable expenses for a company is business travel? It is shocking when you think about it since roughly a third of all companies in the U.S. do not have a corporate travel policy. But when a company finally decides that it’s time to commit to more formal guidelines, one glaring mistake is often made; overly strict rules and regulations.

If you’re looking for ways to minimize the chaos of unmanaged company travel, save time and money, and make employees happier and more productive, then it’s time to introduce a flexible travel program into your company.

Steve Isom, VP of Finance at Flywheel, and Mike Volpe, CEO of Lola.com, will go over how to create a travel policy specific to your company’s needs.

You’ll learn things like:

  • How a one-size-fits-all pricing structure can actually cause you to spend more

  • Why simple is always better when you are setting guidelines for your employees

  • Which common cost-cutting measures actually have the opposite effect

  • How to prioritize employee happiness without overspending