In a value-driven healthcare system, everything depends on outcomes—from successful marketplace competition to reimbursements, to provider ROI. Those outcomes cannot be achieved without the active involvement of the patient, but how do you better involve the patient without overwhelming them with uncoordinated point solutions? Allscripts has developed and proven a new way of thinking about patient engagement that delivers dramatic and measurable improvements, from both a medical and financial point of view.

This new e-book details how Allscripts is leading the healthcare IT community forward from multiple point solutions to a platform that resides on top of any number of enterprise systems to better engage the patient population with relevant and coordinated communications at exactly the right moments during their care journey. Health consumers no longer need to manage multiple systems for payments, appointments, care summaries, medical instructions, and more. The Allscripts FollowMyHealth system integrates multiple data sources to deliver practical functionality to patients, including:

  • Pre-appointment reminders that include important information
  • Mobile check-in so patients can bypass the front desk
  • Post-visit summaries and post-procedure instructions
  • Referral management for more consistent care

By delivering all the relevant information and functionality in immediately actionable and simple messages to mobile devices, Allscripts has shown dramatic quality and cost improvements, including 30% improved quality of care and $1,400 cost savings per provider per month. 

The industry is at an exciting inflection point in patient engagement. Read this e-book from Allscripts and Microsoft to get in front of the next healthcare data revolution.