From boosting efficiency, to reducing costs, and gaining a competitive edge, the IoT is widely seen as the future for manufactured products.

When approaching the IoT market, manufacturers are likely to make a huge mistake: underestimating what it really takes to make that leap.

That’s because it requires expertise and experience in every aspect of IoT operation – from the communications chips embedded in the connected product, through cloud computing and network security, to end-user control of the product via a mobile or web-based application — to create a high-quality connected product.

Before deciding if they should tackle building their own IoT platform, manufacturers face additional questions:

  • Is there a clear understanding of what building an IoT platform entails?
  • Can we build appropriate connectivity, security, responsiveness and reliability into every aspect of our IoT operation?
  • Do we have the in-house expertise in all the areas of technology that are involved, including our interactions and handoffs? If not, how much time and cost will it take to gain that expertise?
  • In the end, does it make more business sense to build or buy an IoT Platform?

Download this white paper to find out what’s needed to build an IoT Platform and what to look for when buying one.