Don’t let a lack of understanding keep you from tapping into partnerships that could help both your business and that of your small business owner clients.

Despite the growth of PEOs (Professional Employer Organizations) in the industry, many brokers and small business owners remain confused about some of the most important aspects of the PEO-client relationship. This stems from a misunderstanding about two very different things: co-employment and employee leasing. This uncertainty causes many brokers and employers to hesitate working with a PEO — thinking this solution means a loss of control over key business decisions, and of their employees. It does not.

Download this eBook now to get a better understanding of co-employment versus employee leasing and how PEO partnerships can be leveraged to help small businesses. You will get the answers to these questions:

  • What is co-employment (and what is it not)?
  • What does co-employment mean for a PEO client?
  • Which responsibilities fall on the PEO in a co-employment relationship?
  • How does co-employment differ from employee leasing?
  • And more!

Discover how PEOs can help your clients with their HR challenges and benefit your business.