Traditional “one size fits all” approaches are giving way to targeted strategies shaped by analytic insights about how to best treat each account. Agencies need tools to create and change strategies, make real-time decisions, and automate routine steps and interactions with debtors to collect more money without increasing staff.

FICO’s analytics, decisioning, case management and customer communication capabilities empower agencies to make better, more customer-centric decisions across the entire debt management lifecycle. All of our capabilities are built on our state-of-the-art decision management platform and are designed to facilitate analytically driven strategy design and automated strategy execution. We offer intelligent fraud management and customer communication capabilities that are seamlessly woven in to all our strategy execution services. A major differentiator of FICO’s approach is the integration between our strategy design tools and our strategy execution services, which facilitates a rapid learning loop that empowers our clients to quickly adapt to market and operational changes.