FICO® Xpress Insight enables businesses to transform analytics into actionable insights. Regardless of the environment in which your data scientists are creating assets (R, Python, etc.), Xpress Insight can convert them into powerful applications for end business users. Moreover, with an easy-to-understand interface, business users can test sensitivities, run simulations, account for trade-offs, and more—all without the need for IT. The result is true collaboration between data scientists and business users, as they solve the most complex challenges facing your organization.

Download this solution sheet to learn more of the details behind Xpress Insight, including the key features that have helped hundreds of businesses around the world operationalize their analytics and realize a true ROI in their decision infrastructure. So many businesses nowadays are drowning in data and trying to compensate by building analytic models that never even deploy. Xpress Insight can put a stop to the waste and deliver analytics where they need to go: in the hands of business leaders. This solution sheet will show you how—download today!