With 80% of retail businesses at risk of falling behind in the digital transformation age, the stakes for delivering on consumer buying expectations have never been higher. Customers not only expect seamless experiences on an ever-multiplying number of buying and shopping modes, they demand a level of personalization that rises to the curatorial. Without the quantum leaps provided by digital transformation, too many organizations find themselves reacting to consumer changes rather than predicting them. But where to start?

Read the new e-book from Catapult, How to Think Like a Retail Disruptor, for a roadmap to cloud migration that makes sense for your unique retail organization. In it, you’ll find out new ways to:

  • Benefit from the expertise of retail data scientists who specialize in the cloud, without increasing headcount.
  • Derive more value from data across your organization by taking it out of silos, for improved collaboration and increased innovation.
  • Identify your needs in the cloud and find the right guides to take you there.
  • Make the case to the executive team on why digital transformation is your company’s Netflix vs. Blockbuster moment.

You’ll also see the four stages of a successful cloud migration that Catapult has established over hundreds of digital transformations. After this quick read, you’ll come away with a new mindset and framework to take your retail organization to the cloud, and the future.