Red Hat can help you deliver 348% ROI and achieve agile, high-performing infrastructures

Linux® has become the standard operating system for cloud infrastructure as well as the preferred delivery vehicle for modern applications. This is, in part, thanks to it being reliable environment that offers scale, security, and robust application support.

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux expands on this trust and credibility by offering a supported, hardened, enterprise environment that delivers on more efficient operational costs, better reliability and availability, and better scalability. These translate into a better return on investment (ROI) for our enterprise customers.

IDC’s study, “The Business Value of Red Hat Enterprise Linux,” interviewed 12 organizations to see how they’re using Red Hat Enterprise Linux to support their business operations. These organizations reported that Red Hat provides a cost-effective, efficient, and reliable operating environment.

There’s a lot to gain with Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

  • 348% average 3-year ROI
  • 68% less unplanned downtime
  • 26% faster deployment of new business applications

Download the IDC study to learn more.