With interest rates on the rise, Deposits professionals face an exciting – and challenging – time ahead. Larger banks are well-positioned with sufficient liquidity at low cost of funds; they are able to further capture market share via large branch networks and deep technology capabilities. On the other hand, mid-sized and regional banks are having to aggressively price up or risk losing deposit that are critical to their loan growth. It is the right time for banks of all sizes to invest in advanced analytics and personalized pricing strategies to better attract and retain valuable deposits. 

Download the FICO White Paper “Seeing Through the Rabble Rousing in Deposit Pricing: Five Real Strategies for Driving Intelligent Pricing Decisions” 

The white paper provides a detailed overview of the components of a successful Deposit Pricing Strategy and discusses such topics as: 

  • How much do consumers worry about central bank rate movements? 
  • Why do you need to go beyond price-elasticity modeling in your pricing strategy? 
  • What are the five critical strategies that every organization needs to have in your deposit team’s playbook? 
  • What do you need to have in place in order to “embrace the disruption?”