Improve customer experience, reduce churn and cut costs

For the telecommunications industry, meeting customer expectations and avoiding churn is a constant challenge. Customers have more options, and are more sophisticated than ever. They want efficient and timely communications for rate changes, scheduling, disconnect, and reconnect, billing and payments. And they’re looking for service and communication through the channels they prefer. Because switching is such an easy option, it is important for telecommunications companies to meet these expectations and nurture customers through frequent and transparent communication to build loyalty.

With FICO® Customer Communication Services, telecom companies can:

  • Reduce churn: communicate with customers when and how they want
  • Improve collections results: address and resolve collections more quickly while improving customer satisfaction
  • Improve compliance and data security: create communication programs to stay aligned with regulations and keep customer data secure
  • Adapt to new channels preferences easily: leverage flexible and advanced technology and reduce reliance on IT
  • Reduce costs: optimize resources by providing self-serve options