Ready to Save 400% by Adding In-House Ediscovery Software?

Our research shows an impressive 4X return on investment (ROI) with an automated, cloud-based software solution The amount your organization could save by bringing ediscovery management software in house may surprise you. Are you embracing this potential — or letting it pass you by?

If your team uses manual methods or outsources data processing or document review now, then you could be missing out on a huge return on investment (ROI). To test that theory, we partnered with Hobson & Company to research the average ROI that Zapproved’s Digital Discovery Pro® generated for businesses who made the switch to in-house ediscovery. The results were impressive: an almost fourfold ROI.

Companies in this study reported that for many of their investigations and legal matters, in-house ediscovery is more cost-effective than outsourcing. Our experience with clients backs that up: for organizations that are ready, automating data processing and review in house is well worth the investment. But how quickly does that investment pay for itself?

Tap into these research findings for answers. Here, we break down the benefits of moving ediscovery in house using an automated, cloud-based software solution. Are you ready to realize such impressive results? Read the report to get started.