Every IT security professional knows: not only is the volume of malware on the rise, but sophisticated tools previously available only to highly advanced or nation-state-level attackers have now been commoditized, automated, made more accessible and less expensive for nearly all types of adversaries. This has allowed attackers to dramatically raise their game by bringing evasive threats to the forefront, which can completely bypass traditional security approaches available in the market.

Specifically, though once the realm of only a few highly skilled attackers, it is now trivial to evade detection in most commercially available malware analysis environments, commonly known as sandboxes. These VM evasion techniques are being baked into commodity threats, including ransomware, automated attack toolkits and other run-of-the-mill attacks.

Understanding evasive malware and effective strategies for preventing this emerging threat type can protect your organization against financial, operational, legal, regulatory and compliance risks.