Protect your Business. Protect Your Data.

Privileged access security is essential: it restricts and protects access to the powerful administrative accounts that control organizations’ critical servers, databases, and networks. The 2019 Study on Privileged Access Security by the Ponemon Institute, sponsored by Sila, surveyed 650+ North American IT and IT security professionals and found substantial lapses in securing sensitive access including:

  • 56% of respondents said they expect the risk of privileged user abuse to increase over the next 12 to 24 months  
  • 52% of respondents said their organizations do not have the capabilities to effectively monitor privileged access 
  • 62% of respondents said it was likely that their organization assigns privileged access rights that go beyond an individual’s role or responsibilities 

Key findings from the study include multi-year trends, differences in high- and low-performing organizations, and critical risks privileged access management (PAM) programs should address. Get the full report to find out more on a range of topics including:   

  • Why privileged user abuse is increasing 
  • The security risks created by not keeping up with the delivery and review of access rights
  • Why new approaches to managing access are needed, including collaboration between IT and lines of business