thumbnail of Lytics and The Economist Case Study_web

In this case study, you’ll learn about how The Economist worked with Lytics to create content hubs that display digital content based on a reader’s interest in particular news topics (e.g., Brexit, Trump, a particular political race, etc.)

Using Lytics content affinity engine plus data science, The Economist was also able to:

  • Display offers based on the reader’s subscription status and predictive engagement score, meaning their likelihood to subscribe, based on other readers with behaviors like theirs.
  • Offer featured content based not just on topic interest but also using behavioral scoring, giving readers the type of content in the way they want to read it.
  • Create a campaign for a free “Back to School Megatech” eBook that produced a 9% click-through-rate and onsite conversion rates were 5-10x higher for Lytics targeted audiences.