Empowered by the internet, today’s shoppers are now in a position of power, and that affects the retail choices they make. YouGov’s latest white paper connects data from two powerful solutions to report what is happening in the fashion retail sector:

  • YouGov BrandIndex, a global brand tracker, reveals which brands perform well among price-sensitive customers as well as other groups of shoppers critical to the fashion retail sector.

  • YouGov Profiles, a consumer segmentation tool, helps identify a group of young, city-dwelling men whose propensity to shop and make large-ticket purchases deserves attention.

  • Employed in tandem, YouGov’s connected data products offer insights into the success of two brands – Uniqlo and New Balance – and analyzes the different shoppers driving their growth.

Read this report to learn more about your customers – particularly the attitudes and habits that may forecast future behavior.