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Today, as the world’s hunger for raw minerals continues to grow, investing in the right communication solution is critical to success…

A worker above ground needs to communicate with a worker underground. Precious minerals are sent to the wrong location. Haul trucks, excavators, and loaders are operating at full force creating unwanted noise. When communications are slow, mining operations are slow. Push-to-Communicate with voice and data that instantly connects people, applications and machines for informed decisions and optimized operations.

Download this Complimentary Brief and see how Unified Team Communications puts the power of NOW at your fingertips. You’ll discover:

  • How our Push-to-Talk solution brings mission-critical PTT capabilities to the smart devices your team is already using.
  • Insights from this year’s 2018 Energy Communications Survey, and how a Unified Team Communications approach is the trend for the future.
  • How converging voice and data makes automation and monitoring of complex processes robust and cohesive, connecting your mine further.