The current model of member-association engagement has been in place for decades. And it has worked. So what’s the challenge?

Associations have thrived and grown with the expansion of the economy and have continued to do so throughout the 21st century. The current challenge, however, is that the essential characteristics that define the association have become existential impediments in an era defined by the immediate access to information, insights, content, and knowledge. The following are a number of key challenges currently faced by the association industry.

  • An Evolutionary Working Environment
  • A Revolutionary Workforce
  • Accelerating Technology Shifts
  • Complexity of Business Environment

This whitepaper describes the changing landscape of the member-driven association, the challenges they’re facing both internally and externally, and how to best identify a growth strategy that prioritizes putting the member-first. In addition, we take a deeper look at the meaning of customer centricity, its value, and the differentiating factors that a customer-centric organization has in comparison to its counterparts.