Reporting is essential to any successful Vendor Risk Management program. It helps you assess more vendors, score questionnaires faster, and demonstrate to management and regulators the existence of a consistent, reliable and repeatable program. The right reports show exactly how your VRM program is performing — highlighting problem areas and prioritizing where to spend your limited time.

Download ProcessUnity’s latest eBook The 8 Reports You Need for Effective and Efficient Vendor Risk Management and see how one-click access to the right information is critical for an effective and efficient program.

We’ll outline best-practices in vendor risk reporting, including how to:

  • Rank vendors by criticality
  • Increase quantity and quality of vendor self-assessments
  • Remediate issues faster
  • Assess overall vendor performance
  • Quickly compile reports for management and regulatory reviews

The foundation for a successful vendor risk program is solid reporting. The right reports save your team time, help you prioritize and show management and regulators that risk is under control.

Take the first steps towards improving your reporting capabilities. Complete the form on the right to get your copy of 8 Reports now.