At a time when markets are being disrupted faster than ever before, it’s important to know which established businesses are being disrupted, which businesses are doing the disrupting, and why. To avoid the fate of many businesses in the mobile age, it’s necessary for every company to be in close contact with its customer base. To survive, you need to know what they’re thinking and feeling at each of the critical moments of connection. In the new e-book, What the Disruptors Know: Making Stronger, More Authentic Consumer Connections in Real Time, the customer connection experts from InMobi share the latest thinking on how to stay in tune with your consumer in the age of constant connection. 

At the current rate of technological and cultural change, traditional methods of market research are just not sufficient. They cannot provide the fast, in-context intelligence necessary to make real-time decisions. What the Disruptors Know: Making Stronger, More Authentic Consumer Connections in Real Time describes this unique moment in business history and why so many brands have succumbed to it. It reveals in detail how successful market researchers are finding the perfect moment of authentic connection and consistently engaging consumers in meaningful interactions. The e-book helps you reliably capitalize on those moments with the three best practices for consumer engagement in the age of disruption. It lets you know the things you need to start and stop doing to make the most of the data available to you for real business advantage.